Thursday, 26 May 2011


Four new hens today. Point of lay pulletts, about 20 weeks old. They should start laying shortly. Kehoe poultry farm New Ross, €8.25 each

Monday, 23 May 2011


Even the flowers here dress in the Wexford colours!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Judy's Roses

I have moved some of my mums roses from Kildare to Wexford & it looks like they are about to bloom. I'll post some photos of them in bloon later

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Fast Crop

If you want something to grow really quickly, try radish - they will begin to show after 6 or 7 days. Not everyone's cup of tea. They are often used to mark where you have sown the slower crops. Happy digging.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Japanese Spruce

Aren't the purple cones beautiful on the Japanese Spruce?

Blanket Returns

I found our missing hen, Blanket, this morning. She had started brooding & set up her own nest to hatch some chicks, unfortunately she would have a long wait since we don't have a cock, therefore no fertile eggs (see birds & bees lesson two). Must keep a close watch on her till she settles - isn't nature just magic?

Thursday, 12 May 2011


Egg & chives sandwiches for anyone? As you can see a great crop of chives, but no eggs! New hen search starts today, I'll keep you posted

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Sunny south east

It's glorious here this morning. How many people miss the best part of the day? One of our two chickens is missing, not looking good, she disappeared yesterday. Update later

Monday, 9 May 2011


Soaking the sugar peas before planting them out tomorrow, it gives them a bit of a headstart

Garden Bible

This is my garden bible. It is full of great simple advice, from the very basics to the very adventurous. Buy on amazon for just a few Euro

Another Raised Bed

It had a feed of well rotted horse manure & then covered in membrane for the winter. One quick dig & its good to go. I've used wavin pipe bent over the top in case I need to cover it in netting for protection from birds, bunnys or butterflys

Early Spuds

I've got a fine crop of early spuds. Sharpes Express this year, sown before St Patrick Day ( my late dads birthday) to have first spuds in early June ( my late mums birthday) Keane tradition


This is the max & min thermometer in my green house. As you can see the range today has been from about 12 ( on the left) to 28, nice & toasty for the toms

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Raised Beds

All 5 raised beds planted - spuds, onions, cucumber, beetroot, carrots, French beans & kale. I've done my bit, now its up to nature to do the rest

Saturday, 7 May 2011

New raised beds

Catherine did a brilliant job on some of our new raised flower beds today - my flower queen

Water Butt

Easy water butt. Black bin €6.50, brass tap €3.50, downside connection €8.00, total approx €20. Why pay €50+?

Green House

Can't call it a glass house cause its plastic, but it is green! Moneymaker full tomatoes and red baron cherry tomatoes plus some salads, lettuce and spring onion. I'm trying outdoor cucumbers this year

Friday, 6 May 2011

Big Smoke

Spent the day in Dublin. Two highlights - meeting Amber & Isobel! Great day.


No garden today. Off to Dublin with Catherine & Louise. Might pickup some extra seeds

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Garden Blog

I've decided to start a garden blog. It's my first blog - so here goes! It's been a busy few weeks in the garden. Over the next few days I'll let you know what I've been up to in the garden. Photos etc. to follow. Nothing too exotic in the garden this year, just the usual spuds, salads, carrots etc. More later.