Tuesday, 26 June 2012

260612 Banff

I have to start with a correction, yesterday we didn't see a moose, it was an elk (or a caribou), I can never tell the difference?? Today the wildlife consisted mostly of chipmunks (& thankfully they don't sing) although we did see a track which was closed due to bear activities! Its almost time for the buffaloberry to ripen, apparently a feeding bear will eat u to 250,000 per day!! What a day today, we ran out of wow's before 11 this morning. Up Sulphur Mountain by gondola first thing (see Facebook for photos). Then a swim in the outdoor spa, where it was 40 degrees. Several coffees & buns. We took a picnic with us to Lake Winniwanka, I'm suffering from camera thumb. It rained this afternoon, but the forecaster is v good for the week. Off to Eddy's Burgers tonight, Catherine fancies the elk & avocado burger, I might try the rattle snake ( I hear it taste like chicken)

1 comment:

  1. Omg sounds like a dream holiday. I'm so ignorant and had never heard about caribou until a book I recently got for Amber. Did you see many chipmunks, like squirrels. Looking forward to the dinner report and what you really ended up getting
